Minimum. 22% of the Company's THAT Allocation will be used to Support Good Works.

THAT is committed to partnering with and supporting non-profit and charity organisations that make a positive impact in the world. To demonstrate this commitment, 22% of the company’s coin allocation is reserved for charitable causes. In addition, THAT will introduce a donation feature in the app, allowing users to donate THAT directly to charities.

Annual Allocation

Each year, THAT will allocate funds from the company’s charity/non-profit pool to support initiatives that address critical issues, including:

  • Disaster Relief: Supporting local and international communities affected by natural disasters.

  • Combatting Human Trafficking: Partnering with organisations that fight human trafficking, including sexual exploitation, forced labour, bonded labour, involuntary domestic servitude, and the use of child soldiers.

  • Poverty Alleviation: Assisting organisations working to alleviate poverty and provide essential services to those in need.

  • Addiction Recovery: Supporting initiatives that help individuals break free from drug and alcohol addiction.

  • Domestic Violence Prevention: Funding organisations that combat domestic violence and promote education, advocacy, and empowerment to end domestic and family violence.

  • Mental Health Awareness: Partnering with organisations that raise awareness for mental health issues and suicide prevention, addressing conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental illnesses.

  • Environmental Conservation: Supporting groups that address global environmental challenges and promote solutions for a green and sustainable future, including the protection of land and ocean wildlife.

Get Involved

If your charity is interested in partnering with THAT, please reach out to us at We are always looking to expand our impact and collaborate with organisations that share our vision for a better world.

Last updated