Future Vision - Advanced Features and Global Reach

A glimpse into the milestones and strategic goals that will shape the future of THAT.

As we look to the future, we acknowledge that the rapid pace of technological advancements and the evolving crypto landscape may lead to the reprioritisation and expedited implementation of certain roadmap items. As the THAT team grows and funding increases, our ability to innovate and adapt will enhance.

While the scheduled roadmap items are well-defined and planned for completion, the milestones and goals outlined in this section will be prioritised based on community feedback and the strategic value they bring to the project. We are committed to continuously improving and expanding our ecosystem to ensure that THAT remains a leader in digital currency.

We anticipate that, as resources and circumstances allow, some of the items in this section may be integrated into the product roadmap ahead of schedule to meet project needs and leverage available bandwidth.

Anticipated Roadmap Updates & Projected Enhancements

Introduce Delivery Service in the THAT App (Planned for Early 2027)

Further International Expansion and Increased CEX Listings

Enhance User Experience with Advanced Features

Strengthen Community Engagement and Loyalty Programs

Innovate with Emerging Technologies

Expand Developer Ecosystem

Last updated